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A bit about us

Casa-Latina's Story:

Our story started as the dream of a few Latin American expats, wanting to share their passion and love for the Latin American Culture, in all of its forms.

​Jose Campo, our gracious leader and Master Chef, has been leading and supporting the various guises and efforts that Bristol has had, promoting all aspects of our Latin American traditions, acting as patron and fervent supporter of our varied cultural diversities.

​Casa-Latina is the result of many years and efforts of generating a space to enrich Bristol and its vast Cultural Heritage.

It makes us very proud and happy to be here, hosting our own colourful traditions, and be part of this amazing City we call home.

​We not only represent and bring a space for the LATAM community, but more importantly, offer an open space for anyone in Bristol interested to dive into our Flavours, our Music and our Rich Culture.

​We are proud of our heritage and want to share it with you!!

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